
Small 快播成人 Development


Whether you need business coaching, help starting your businesses, developing a business plan, or need help selling to the government, we can help. We work with entrepreneurs and small business owners at no cost.

It鈥檚 is all about business at the Small 快播成人 Development Center (SBDC). Whether you need business coaching, help starting your business, developing a business plan or need help selling to the government, the 快播成人 State SBDC consultants, can help. The office works with entrepreneurs and small business owners聽at no cost聽to develop the planning, management and financial skills necessary to make their business thrive.

Our聽goal is to deliver one-on-one counseling, research and referral for individuals creating or expanding their business. Assistance is provided in the following areas:

  • 快播成人 Plan Development
  • Marketing Assessments聽
  • Cost Analysis聽
  • Financial Analysis聽
  • Capital Resources, Financial Packaging & Forecasting聽
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping聽

Assistance is also provided in specialty areas such as Government Procurement Assistance. Federal, state and local governments already spend billions of dollars on goods and services every year. Federal purchasing offices are often required to set aside contracts or portions of contracts for exclusive bidding by small and/or minority-owned businesses. In addition, major prime contractors are required to subcontract part of their work out to small firms.

The Oklahoma Small 快播成人 Development Centers are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small 快播成人 Administration.

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Contact Us

Ethan J. Biller
Ethan J. Biller
Director - Small 快播成人 Development Center Workforce Development
(405) 733-7483